Amid Odebrecht fallout, Peru enacts world-class anti-bribery law.

Amid Odebrecht fallout, Peru enacts world-class anti-bribery law.

Peru welcomed the new year by enacting into force Law 30424, which introduces corporate criminal liability applicable to bribery. Peruvian law now recognizes the independent criminal liability of a legal person for local and foreign bribery, imposing sanctions ranging from fines, debarment from government contracting to dissolution of the legal entity. This is aligned with the U.S. standard of respondeat superior applicable to the FCPA and other offenses, in that corporate entities face criminal liability for…
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Sandra Orihuela participa en el conversatorio de Cumplimiento de Graña y Montero

Un grupo de más de 80 personas representantes del sector privado, de instituciones gremiales y del sector académico, se reunieron para compartir su experiencia en el conversatorio Gobierno Corporativo y Cumplimiento: ¿Un nuevo desafío de las empresas en el Perú?, organizado por el Grupo Graña y Montero en colaboración con la International Anti-Corruption Academy (IACA). Nuestra socia fundadora Sandra Orihuela impartió la ponencia: “¿Dónde estamos? Marco actual de Cumplimiento en Perú y Latinoamérica”.
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Corruption and Bribery Offences in Peru – Lexology

Corruption and Bribery Offences in Peru – Lexology

Sandra Orihuela contributes to the Anti-corruption and Bribery in Peru chapter of the Lexology Navigator, a comparative global Q&A guide. This is the section related to Offences. Specific offences and restrictions Offences What are the key corruption and bribery offences in your jurisdiction? Corruption and bribery offences are regulated in Title XVIII – Crimes against the Public Administration of the Criminal Code, which contains both passive and active bribery offences (where the offender is…
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Whistleblowing in Peru – Lexology

Whistleblowing in Peru – Lexology

Sandra Orihuela contributes to the Anti-corruption and Bribery in Peru chapter of the Lexology Navigator, a comparative global Q&A guide. This is the section related to Whistleblowing. Whistleblowing and self-reporting Whistleblowing Are whistleblowers protected in your jurisdiction? No, no specific legislation protects whistleblowers. Self-reporting Is it common for leniency to be shown to organisations that self-report and/or cooperate with authorities? If so, what process must be followed? Law 30424 (April 21 2016) and Legislative…
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Sandra Orihuela habla sobre la gestión de riesgos para la sostenibilidad en los negocios

Sandra Orihuela habla sobre la gestión de riesgos para la sostenibilidad en los negocios

Sandra Orihuela es entrevistada por Graña y Montero sobre la importancia y objetivos de un buen gobierno corporativo para supervisar el cumplimiento de prácticas anticorrupción y garantizar una correcta evaluación de riesgos en las diferentes actividades de una empresa.
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FCPA Compliance: 5 Overlooked Issues

FCPA Compliance: 5 Overlooked Issues

1. Single Compliance Program: A “one size fits all” compliance program does not often work. Must take into account risk/cultural aspects of every country and have a proportionate global program. Must be able to demonstrate compliance program works effectively and has been tested: Prevent-Detect-Respond. Materiality does not matter, issue is whether your internal control system works effectively to detect and avoid illegal payments. 2. Unsupervised 3Ps: Largest source of FCPA violations comes from third parties (3Ps): Agents, Distributors,…
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Cumplimiento en America Latina

Cumplimiento en America Latina

Para entender mejor el estado actual del área de cumplimiento en los cuatro mercados más importantes de América Latina, LEC ha consultado a reconocidos profesionales, quienes son expertos en este tema en sus respectivos países. Entre ellos, Sandra Orihuela, socia del estudio boutique Orihuela Abogados, con oficinas en Lima, Perú y Miami (EE.UU.) quien comparte sus opiniones y puntos de vista sobre el progreso y los retos para la evolución del cumplimiento de estos…
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