Sandra Orihuela habla sobre la gestión de riesgos para la sostenibilidad en los negocios

Sandra Orihuela habla sobre la gestión de riesgos para la sostenibilidad en los negocios

Sandra Orihuela es entrevistada por Graña y Montero sobre la importancia y objetivos de un buen gobierno corporativo para supervisar el cumplimiento de prácticas anticorrupción y garantizar una correcta evaluación de riesgos en las diferentes actividades de una empresa.
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Mención de Orihuela en el diario peruano Gestión

Mención de Orihuela en el diario peruano Gestión

En respuesta a su crisis reputacional ocasionada por su participación en diversos consorcios con la brasilera Odebrecht, la constructora peruana mas grande del Perú, Graña y Montero (GyM), anuncia la contratación de Orihuela Abogados y otra firma de abogados Estadounidense, para liderar una investigación interna y enfrentar las demandas civiles interpuestas por sus accionistas en Estados Unidos. Lea la nota completa en Gestión
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Can a peasant community leader be considered a “government official” under the FCPA?

Can a peasant community leader be considered a “government official” under the FCPA?

Despite a slow-down in the global mining industry, Latin America remains a key destination for mining investment because of the sizeable wealth of its mineral resources, reduced operating costs and incentive-based policies. Corruption, however, is a key concern when it comes to doing business in Latin America. Despite a couple of notable exceptions such as Chile and Uruguay, most countries in Latin America score relatively low in the latest ranking of the Corruption Perceptions…
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Transparency International Corruption 2017

Transparency International Corruption 2017

75% Transparency International's 2017 Corruption Perceptions Index highlights that the majority of countries are making little or no progress in ending corruption. For 2017, the index found that more than two-thirds of countries score below 50, with an average score of 43. The index ranks 180 countries and territories by their perceived levels of public sector corruption according to experts and businesspeople, using a scale of 0 to 100, where 0 is highly corrupt and…
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Mining 2013 Peru

Mining 2013 Peru

Overview of the mining industry in Peru: What is the significance of the mining industry as a component of the national economy? Peru is a multi-metallic country that has one of the world’s largest mining reserves. It is the third-largest global producer of copper, silver, zinc and tin; and within Latin America, is the largest producer of gold, zinc, tin and lead. During 2012 Peru welcomed approximately $8.5 billion of mining-related investments to be…
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Water in Peru

Water in Peru

Peru is a large producer of water due to its geographical configuration and extensive coast, including the Andes mountain chain, which with its high altitude and abrupt geomorphology has contributed to water distribution. This combination in addition to climatic factors has generated a large number of microclimates and ecosystems in the country. Today, even the coastal region, predominantly a desert throughout its 2000 kilometers in length, is crossed by approximately 20 large rivers that…
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